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"It is obvious that the contents of this book had long simmered and blended its great spiritual flavors over years of time. Any individual or group of Christians, especially beginners, could clearly benefit by discussing and savoring the topics described here." -Dr. Steve Fortosis

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Hello! I am Jan Bloch, the author of Following Christ God’s Word: Basic Truths and Guiding Principles. Thank you for visiting my website today!

I deeply believe that God interacts with people and changes lives. These truths were the basis of simple, non-threatening conversations I wanted to share with my children. However, the circumstances of our lives allowed little time or opportunity for these conversations. After several years of struggling with this concern, the Lord opened my eyes to the possibility of writing letters to my children. This was the beginning of a journey in which I wrote many letters and my heart was filled with hope and peace.

I never dreamed of being a writer, or a published author, still as the years passed, I discovered various studies sharing evidence that many people profess their faith in Christ but do not live their lives differently because of their faith. Once again, I felt God calling me to publish my letters as they identify the basic beliefs of the Christian doctrine and how those beliefs impact daily life choices, one’s character, and healthy relationships. By sharing these letters, I hope the reader will gain understanding of the basic concepts of scripture, discover clarity in life’s purpose, and learn to view the world with an eternal perspective and divine purpose.

About the Book

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This book began as a compilation of easily read and understood letters written to my two teenage children. It is a guide to the fundamental truths and principles of The Holy Bible, our Lord’s guide to salvation and living life on earth. The initial letters have been revised; however, the manuscripts still focus on understanding the value of faith, character, and relationships and how this information impacts one’s life and choices. The materials may provide valuable tools for identifying and communicating the important concepts in developing a solid faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and living a purposeful life. Although initially intended for teenagers, the content is helpful for all people confronted with important daily decisions and who want to feel the wonder of a life committed to God. I hope that this book will allow the reader to discover a genuine faith and belief system, gain knowledge about how to simply live life in a more pleasing way to God, and find God’s love, salvation, peace, contentment, and purpose. May God guide you on this journey as you allow him to make your life a blessing.

“Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8

Author Biography

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The most valued and treasured responsibilities I have held through life are being a wife, a mother, and a grandmother. I am blessed to be married to a God-fearing, supportive, and delightfully kind man, Doug Bloch. Additionally, it has been an honor being the mother to my 2 children, and my son-in-law. Together, we enjoy a wide circle of family and friends who have brought great joy to our lives and for whom we are most grateful. We strive to honor God by enjoying music, entertaining, dancing, traveling (especially to visit grandchildren), gardening, cooking, and teaching friends to play bridge. Jan and Doug live in Springfield, Missouri.

My birth family gave me a spiritual heritage of love for God, family, and creation. In addition, they reinforced the importance of compassion, integrity, persistence, and hard work. We attended the Lutheran Church, where I was baptized and confirmed. I cannot remember a time when I did not love the Lord. However, through the years, I have grown and discovered a deeper understanding of how the Lord’s love for me impacts my life. My family life is blessed with joyful times and happy memories. There have, however, been many challenges. Through each trial, it is apparent that the Lord was in the details as he provided sustenance, comfort, and strength. As God promises, I believe he has used our misfortunes and tribulations to strengthen our faith and to further His kingdom.

Professionally, I received a bachelor of fine arts degree in Vocational Education with an emphasis in family living and child development from Missouri State University (MSU). I earned a master’s degree from Drury University in Springfield, Missouri, and later a specialist degree from MSU, both in educational administration. My career began in public education as a Family and Consumer Science teacher. Later, I was allowed to serve as an administrator in programs with children from kindergarten to 12th grade. My vocation involved working closely with students, parents and faculty, businesses, and the community.

Upon retirement in 2005, besides spending time with my family, three areas have filled my life and time. First, I taught at the Ozark Technical Community College’s Middle College, which serves high school students whose life circumstances make its flexible, non-traditional environment more suitable to their needs. Second, in 2005, I worked with a dear friend in Christ and a professional colleague, to organize and implement a Bible Study for working women called “God’s Lunch Bunch.” This group met weekly, served lunch during the noon hour, and before the restrictions of the Covid pandemic, had a regular attendance of approximately 50 each week. This group still exists today, fifteen-plus years later. Third, my husband Doug and I perform as vocalists and instrumentalists in a family-friendly, fun-filled, acoustic gospel music band called The Bridgetones. The Bridgetones play at various venues including, community fairs and festivals, special-occasion parties, church socials, retirement communities, and assisted living homes. In the future, I will continue to strive to serve my God each day and eagerly await the joys and challenges that He has in store. When I meet my Lord at heaven’s gates, I pray He will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

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